Lessons Learned…

Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. Peter Drucker This semester has been an eye opener on what sustainability means, how it can be achieved, and what is to be gained from it. It has been a great eye opener to learn that sustainability is not […]

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“Global Goals”

The video above is a Ted Talk presented by Michael Green on the Global Goals established by the UN in 2015. What drew me to this video is that oftentimes, I think of sustainability in only an environmental perspective. I think of reducing pollution, recycling, saving energy. What I forget to consider is the part […]

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Sustainable Actions

We’d all like to think that when its comes to our actions, we are doing our best to use sustainable practices. Truth be told, I always thought that I was a very responsible person; that I was committed to not harming the environment. There is a cool feature on Yousustain.com that calculates these efforts to […]

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Sustainability Practices: Green Spaces

The video above is only a few minutes long, and definitely worth watching. It explains the affects of adding green spaces on roofs in NYC have as a sustainability effort. The most profound take away from the video is how beneficial it would be for the city, if all buildings were to add green spaces […]

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“Rethinking: Consumption”

We live in a society that covets material items. There is a general need to constantly buy the newest and nicest of everything, whether or not we need it. This is what we refer to as the age of consumerism. Every time Apple releases a new phone, consumers line up in droves to buy it, […]

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