Smalls Steps to Save the World

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

The concept behind Sustainability and Green Business really resonates with me. I hate to think of how much harm we’ve caused the world, both the environment and society, with our carelessness in pursuit of stuff; money, cars, gadgets, clothes, food. We need to do a better job of producing and attaining all of these things with as little negative impact on the world as possible.

One of my personal goals, is to incorporate at least one sustainability practice in my day-to-day activities. I plan on starting small, so that whatever I begin doing is something I can commit to. First on my agenda is to wash all of my clothes with cold water. My entire adult life I’ve washed my clothes with either warm or hot temperatures, thinking it would be the most sanitary way to do it. However, I’ve learned that you can effectively wash your clothes with cold water and the benefits to our environment are pretty high. The You Sustain website claims that if every household in the world were to adapt this practice we would save over 52 billion tons of CO2 a year. (

With that kind of effectiveness, what’s there to lose?

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